Are carbs my enemy?

Are carbs my enemy?

Many people associate eating carbs with gaining weight, making them assume that they have to automatically cut out carbs completely. I’m here to tell you that is false! Eating in a caloric surplus (more food in than calories expended) will result in weight gain, although that can happen while eating only fats and protein as well.

Carbohydrates are very important in order to sustain a healthy lifestyle due to the simple fact that carbs =energy. Carbohydrates are crucial for the neurons in your brain and the production of red blood cells.

Be sure to incorporate an adequate amount of carbohydrates into your diet. The recommended amount of carbohydrates an individual should consume is 55-60% of your daily total calories. This amount should consist of a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, starches, etc.

Carbohydrates are not your enemy and when consumed in moderation they play beneficial and crucial roles in your body. So, the next time you think about having a snack or meal that includes carbs, don’t sweat it and enjoy your food!


Personal Communication, Dr. Korzik PHD 06/22/2020


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