Should I own a scale?

Many people wake up in the morning, jump on the scale and are either pleasantly surprised or sadly dissatisfied. Over time it has been engraved in our minds to be a certain weight in order to stay within society’s made up “ideal” boundaries, doing so has created many to believe they should be defined by a number on a scale.

The average individual does not need to own a scale in their home or constantly check their weight at the gym. The only people who should be using a scale daily are the following categories:


1.     You are an athlete in a weight-class sport such as wrestling, powerlifting, weightlifting, strongman competitions, etc.

2.     Collecting data for an experiment

3.     If you are severely obese (check weight often to stay on track but not daily)

4.     If you are okay with trends and understand that your weight will fluctuate from day to day.


If you would like to own a scale, you can weigh yourself two to three times a week and understand that there will be fluctuations, but what you are looking for are the month to month trends.


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